Are you ready to change your life for the better today, if someone can show you how?
Are you ready to change your life of you clients for the better today, if someone can show you how?
To every human being on this planet:
Do you
suffer from emotional stress or physical issues?
Do you live in a psychologically unpleasant situation that you cannot escape from whatever you tried?
Do you have a physical problem that cannot be explained by physical causes?
Are there any memories, faces and/or emotions from your past that are hunting you and don't let you live the life you want?
Has your performance declined lately and you find difficulties in achieving things that used to be "peace of cake" for you?
Do you experience exploitation or debasement from other peopleand feeling not able to do anything about it; Would you like respond more vigorously, but something is holding you back?
Do you often dither, procrastinate or hesitate to take initiatives or risks?
Do you find difficult to have a good night sleep, to get up easily in the morning or to do things that used to be natural for you, or seem to be natural for most people like you?
Would you like to always carry with you a handy tool for immediate aid, one that you can use almost anywhere and anytime, with no expenses and with no
dependencies on other people?
To every professional working in the fields of health and especially mental health (physicians, psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, etc.), or in personal improvement and coaching:
Do you find your "tools" not effective enough to do your job? Do you miss that something that would make your services extremely effective and efficient?
Do some of your customers need fast substantial results, that you could not easily achieve until this moment?
Do some of your customers resist improving, however hard you tried and even though you have great results with other people, using the same methods?
Would you like to be able to offer telephone
sessions, thus expanding your potential customer area your whole country, continent or even the world?
Do you have customers in need for substantial help at times when they cannot have a session with you?
Do you meet people that want your help (and that you want to help) but won't or can't reveal details about their problem?
Would you like to be able to offer very short (and therefore money-saving and time-saving) sessions to your customers?
Do you need an easy way to handle in a similar way numerous mental and psycho-somatic problems?
If you have answered
"yes" or "I think so" to one or more of the above questions, or even one of them caused you some serious thinking, then...
... we offer you a tool to alleviate or even totally eliminate numerous problems of mental origin, at least at 80% of the cases and in time much less than almost any other "traditional" method and technique of self-help or psychotherapy!
It's EFT™or Emotional Freedom Techniques™, that you can learn right now, quickly and without spending serious money (or even no money at all!) and that you can apply to yourself and to other people, with incredible results in less-than-expected time.
We invite you to get acquainted with and try something that could dramatically improve your life and your client's life (and, believe me, that is not an overstatement in any way)...
If this your first time with EFT, you should try the "Introduction "Introduction to EFT" section.
If you already have a good general picture about EFT and would like to learn some more about it or you are searching for some reference information, feel free to visit the "EFT in detail" section.
If you want a quick overview of the possible applications of EFT, check the "Range of applications" page.
If you want to learn
EFT (which I highly recommend both for personal and for professional
use), check the "Learn EFT" page.
Fast and permanent relief, riddance, freedom from:
Claustrophobia - Height phobia - Agoraphobia - Flight phobia -
Sickness phobia - Animals phobia - Insects phobia Fear of water -
Fear of darkness - Social phobia - Night phobia - Fear of plants -
Any simple or complex Phobia Stress - Anxiety - Tenseness -
Insecurity - Nervousness - Anger - Hate - Grief - Depression - Guilt
- Feeling incompetent Fear of abandonment - Fear of the future -
Fear of persons - Fear of the unknown - Fear of death Traumatic
memory: Rejection, Failure, Duress, Abandonment, Accident, Abuse,
Rape, Love pain Headache - Nervous stomach-ache - Back pain -
Pain in the neck - Carpal tunnel syndrome Pre-menstrual syndrome
- Physical pain with no organic cause - Constipation - Irritable
bowel - Jaw tightness Asthma - Constricted breath - Dyspnoea -
Chronic diseases - Hypertension - Hypotension - tachycardia -
Arrhythmia Sexual problems (non organic) - Myopia - Vision
problems - Allergies of any kind Dyslexia - Attention Deficit
Disorder (ADD) - Learning problems - Low school grades Panic
attacks - Bulimia - Cravings - Anorexia nervosa - Overeating -
Specific food dislike (In general, almost anything being
acquired and not born with, resulting from or enhanced by
psychological causes)
Immediate withdrawal and full deliverance from: Drugs -
Alcohol - Smoking - Addictive food - Nervous habits
Personal improvement for success and happiness, for a new, better
life: Procrastination - Self-confidence - Self-image -
Better relationships - Forgiveness - Acquisition of wealth Goal
achievement - Work performance - Sport performance - Personal peace
The above cases are indicative! EFT (Emotional Freedom
Techniques) is appropriate for numerous different personal issues
regarding mind, emotional and physical dysfunction. Look at
our pages for your own issue ...
This Web site contains information and techniques that you can apply
on yourself and onto other people. If and how you use these is
absolutely your personal responsibility! EFT is not a medical or
psychotherapeutic method and is still under research and
development. Please consult experienced medical doctors and
psychotherapists to deal (especially) with serious and chronic
mental and physical issues and use EFT as an additional aid,
or according to their advice and instructions. These pages are for
informative and educational purposes only and should not turn you
away from the help of professional mental or physical therapist. In
addition, it is not assured that each and every specific case will
benefit from the use of what you read in this Web site or EFT in